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HESS Adventure

HESS teachers come from all walks of life. Whether you are seeking adventure or looking to further your career in education, HESS has the established environment for you. With various locations in Taiwan and across Asia, there is a place for you to hone your teaching and interpersonal skills and find personal and professional growth.

The HESS Guarantee

Competitive Starting Wages and Flexible Work Hours

Guaranteed minimum teaching hours per week

HESS offers guaranteed minimum teaching hours per week, conveniently spread throughout the month.

Safe budget planning and time flexibility

Our flexible schedule allows for safe budget planning and time flexibility, allowing you to invest your time in your personal interests and take on additional teaching hours as you like!

Higher starting salary rates, paid prep work and additional bonuses

Find out more about our higher starting salary rates, paid prep work, and additional bonuses below!

Flexible Hourly Pay + Paid Prep Time
Competitive Hours + Paid Prep Time

HESS offers a starting wage of NT$680–730 per teaching hour, based on experience and qualifications. There are no set office hours, which means you have the freedom to prepare your classes wherever and whenever is convenient.

A stipend of NT$3,000 per month is provided for preparing lessons and completing other teaching-related duties. In addition, teachers receive additional compensation for teaching classes with more than 20 students.

Nationalized Health Insurance
Universal Health Insurance

Help is provided for the application of the national health insurance coverage after teachers receive their HESS-sponsored resident visa. A teacher’s portion of the health care payment (NT$300–500 per month) is automatically deducted and allows a teacher access to affordable access to Taiwan's well-equipped health system, including dental, eye care, and traditional Chinese medicine.

Guaranteed Teaching Hours
Guaranteed Teaching Hours

The initial workload is light and is gradually increased to help teachers ease into their new job in the first month. A minimum of 20 teaching hours per week, averaged monthly, guarantees that all teachers receive a base salary. Our flexible schedules allow teachers to take on additional classes to meet different financial needs.

Regular Raises and Contract Bonuses
Raises and Contract Bonuses

Teachers are appraised for teaching performance and professionalism on a yearly basis and receive raises of up to NT$40 per teaching hour accordingly. It is possible to earn up to NT$830 per teaching hour as raises are accrued.

HESS also offers a bonus each time you complete a contract. You will receive NT$10,000 for completing your first contract, NT$15,000 for completing your second, NT$20,000 for completing your third, and NT$30,000 for completing your fourth and any beyond that.

Classroom Performance Bonuses
Performance Bonuses

Teachers receive a scaled bonus every time a class advances to the next level if more than 90% of the students return. The amount of the bonus varies between courses, with a maximum of NT$50,000 per year. On average, most teachers earn an extra NT$10,000 per year from this bonus.

Interest-Free Set-Up Loan
Zero Interest Set-up Loan

HESS offers an optional interest-free start-up loan to new teachers to buffer their arrival expenses in Taiwan. The NT$30,000 loan is provided upon going to your school and is repaid over the following six months.

Our Guarantee

Flexible Hourly Pay + Paid Prep Time

Competitive Hours + Paid Prep Time

Universal Health Insurance

Universal Health Insurance

Guaranteed Teaching Hours

Guaranteed Teaching Hours

Raises and Contract Bonuses

Raises and Contract Bonuses

Performance Bonuses

Performance Bonuses

Zero Interest Set-up Loan

Zero Interest Set-up Loan


Our Teacher Training Program

Comprehensive training for both novice and experienced teachers. Learn how to teach English effectively with HESS even if you have never taught before. With over 30 years of experience in curriculum development, classroom teaching, and teacher training, HESS has created a comprehensive training program that helps HESS teachers learn and grow.

    First Year
    Training Program

    The first steps to being a HESS teacher

    In addition to the initial training, follow-up trainings are held in the first, third, and sixth months of the first year for all new teachers.

    A wide range of topics is covered, including teaching methodology and educational psychology, and a wealth of practical knowledge from our experienced staff is available to all HESS teachers.

    There are many learning, teaching and friendship opportunities to be had as a HESS teacher in Taiwan.


    TEFL Certification

    The reward for your hard work

    Teachers become HESS TEFL certified professionals after their first year, with the initial training, branch training, follow-up trainings, and a minimum of 800 hours of on-the-job experience under their belt.

    As part of the teachers’ career and development, all training is free and mandatory, regardless of experience or education.


    Curriculum Training

    A full range of support for your learners

    We have developed a set of curricula with a full range of materials, including flashcards, posters, digital media and visual aids.

    This gives you the freedom to write your own lesson plans and have all teaching resources ready for use.

    You will be equipped with simple and effective teaching methods through our training program, allowing you to give your students the best language-learning support they need.


    Free Training Accommodations

    Convenience to help you learn

    Free accommodation for your initial training period is at a hotel within walking distance from our headquarter, where the training will be held.

    Located in the heart of Taipei City, the hotel has easy access to Taipei’s MRT (subway) system, as well as various restaurants, cafes, a supermarket, and a computer market just a short walk away.

    This gives you time to meet new friends, get settled in, and explore the city during your training.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Orientation and Training


Will I receive orientation and training? How long will it be?

All teachers will receive orientation and comprehensive training, regardless of teaching education and experience. Our training program runs for 3 to 10 days, depending on the number of participants. Teachers will receive their free TEFL certification upon completion of their first year of training.


Where will I live during the orientation?

Free, convenient accommodation at a hotel near our main office in downtown Taipei is provided during the training period.


Do I have to pay to participate in the program?

All training is provided free to teachers, who are hired for the sole purpose of teaching English for HESS. In addition to free accommodation, we provide free TEFL training, as well as breakfast and lunch during the training period.


Any advice for attending the orientation?

The orientation requires a good amount of energy, so you should try to get plenty of rest beforehand. Please consider arriving a day or two early to get over any jet lag. Our best advice is to dive right in and make the most of it. The more you participate, the better prepared you will be for the teaching experience.


If you give something, you’ll get something back.

Melbourne, Australia

Greater Taipei

If you give something, you’ll get something back


The best way to learn a language is to live there.

Yorkshire, England

Keelung City

The best way to learn a language is to live there

Darren and Kate

Taiwan is a great launchpad to travel around Asia.


East Coast / Greater Taipei

Taiwan is a great launchpad to travel around Asia.


Build an amazing life in Taiwan.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Greater Taipei

Build an amazing life in Taiwan

  • Mike

    If you give something, you’ll get something back.

    Melbourne, Australia

    Greater Taipei

  • Chloe

    The best way to learn a language is to live there.

    Yorkshire, England

    Keelung City

  • Darren and Kate

    Taiwan is a great launchpad to travel around Asia.

    UK / USA

    East Coast / Greater Taipei

  • Jack

    Build an amazing life in Taiwan.

    Edinburgh, Scotland

    Greater Taipei

If you give something, you’ll get something back.

The best way to learn a language is to live there.

Taiwan is a great launchpad to travel around Asia.

Build an amazing life in Taiwan.

The HESS Budget Calculator

Teaching abroad at HESS is an amazing way to see the world


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